Ed Traversari Offers Unique Opportunity to Point Park Students

By: Amanda Reilly

“Advice I have for current students that want to pursue this industry: don’t be afraid to work for free,” said Ed Traversari. 

Traversari, a professor in Sports, Arts and Entertainment Management (SAEM) at Point Park University got involved with the university after learning about the major from an intern. “I don’t want students to have to go through the same journey I did to get here,” said Traversari. He wanted to make a change to the program by adding Pioneer Records. 

After working in retail out of college, Traversari found DiCesare Engler Productions. He worked there for free chauferring artists and doing small tasks until becoming a partner years later.Working for free wasn’t ideal for Traversari in the 1970s, as it isn’t for many students today. “I didn’t even know what I was getting into,” said Traversari. “I just went from a job where I was making decent money, to a job where I offered to work for free. Coming out of college and trying to pay off loans, that doesn’t make a lot of sense.”

“A program like SAEM didn’t exist at the time,” said Traversari. “Eventually I found my way into student affairs while attending RMU, and that led me to planning concerts and events at the university.” Opportunities for students to apply their education while at a university can completely change their career path. Traversari knew this, and wanted to launch the students of Point Park on a path for success. 

In 2014, Pioneer Records was founded by Traversari to open the door to opportunities that he wasn’t able to find until after college. The students that audition for Pioneer Records are filtered through to three winners that perform at Stage AE. A team of students that book the venue, work with the professionals at Stage AE and plan the concert and technical elements of the show. 

This years winners were Tupelo Donovan, Cesca Violet and The Kill Caesar Club. Tupelo received the opportunity to further her music career with the student made music video for her son “Into Me.”All of the students involved in the process put in many hours, but with results that are preparing them for their future. 

Into Me – Tupelo (Music Video)

The music video for the 2021-2022 winner Tupelo, “Into Me”, produced by students at Point Park University.

Traversari has blazed a trail for graduates not only to pursue the technical aspects of entertainment, but to pursue becoming entertainers as well. 


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