Lourdes Rodriguez

Written By: DJ Kreiss

Simba (left) and Lourdes (right)

Lourdes Rodriguez, administrative assistant to Downtown Neighbors Alliance Executive Director John Valentine, joined the DNA team in August 2023. Through branding and social media outreach, she was able to gain an understanding of Pittsburgh’s historic downtown including some of her favorite places like Market Square and Penn Avenue. 

A transplant from the Poconos, Rodriguez came to Pittsburgh to earn a degree in Marketing with a concentration in digital marketing from Duquesne University. What brings Rodriguez joy is helping people. Her empathy, caring for others and enjoying the little things in life are what makes her happy.

Professionally she is interested in the combination of analytics, creativity, and psychology that fuels the marketing process.

Lourdes has worked as an administrative assistant since joining DNA. She noted her appreciation of the DNA’s pleasant work environment with a community-based mission that she resonates with, of helping downtown blossom into the most beautiful, thriving version of itself possible.

Working at the DNA has helped her connect more with downtown, especially through the Best Restaurants event this past January. She is grateful for the lessons she learned while assisting with logistics for this event. Symbolically, in addition to personal lessons, Best Restaurants was an extraordinary experience with a projected attendance of 400 and an actual attendance of over 600 participants. This was rewarding for Lourdes, the DNA, and all Pittsburgh residents who were able to attend and support local restaurants owned and operated by members of the Pittsburgh community. 

In the future, Lourdes hopes to see Pittsburgh continue to develop with its community in mind, through a higher downtown retail presence and more cost-effective parking programs.


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