Celebrating Women in Business: Joann Fabrizio

Written by: Delaney Pipon

In Pittsburgh's dynamic business landscape, J Fab Consulting has emerged as a driving force for operational excellence and strategic transformation. Founded five years ago by industrial engineering veteran JoAnn Fabrizio, this firm has quickly established itself as a go-to resource for organizations seeking to streamline operations and navigate complex changes.

J Fab's expertise spans a broad spectrum, from process improvement to large-scale transformations. A recent highlight in J Fab's portfolio is their leadership of a digital equity initiative for the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Over the course of a year, the J Fab team orchestrated a collaborative effort involving more than 30 organizations. Their work focused on clarifying digital equity goals and pinpointing critical gaps in infrastructure, device access, and digital literacy training. "Only 60% of people have access," Fabrizio notes, underscoring the critical nature of this work.

The firm's client portfolio reflects Pittsburgh's diverse economic landscape. J Fab has lent its expertise to a $1.5 billion airport transformation, supported the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority with metrics and procedures, and partnered with strategic banking clients, private equity-backed companies, large nonprofits, and healthcare organizations.

What sets J Fab apart is its multifaceted team and their collective commitment to adding value. "We go in and make things better," is the simple yet powerful ethos that drives their work. This focus on operational efficiency and quality is evident in every project they undertake.

J Fab's approach typically begins with a comprehensive process improvement assessment. Their team maps out current states, identifies pain points, and envisions improved futures, always with an eye toward practical, implementable solutions.

As a certified women-owned small business, J Fab has navigated the challenges of establishing itself in a competitive field. "It's taken persistent effort," Fabrizio acknowledges. “It's a lot of pounding the pavement, knocking on doors, networking, and responding to RFPs."

Despite these hurdles, J Fab Consulting has carved out a significant niche in Pittsburgh's business community. Their team's diverse expertise allows them to tackle projects ranging from closing the digital divide to optimizing multimillion-dollar initiatives.

As Pittsburgh continues its economic evolution, J Fab Consulting stands ready to guide organizations through the complexities of transformation. With their blend of technical expertise and strategic insight, this firm is helping to engineer a more efficient future for the Steel City, one project at a time.


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