Downtown Neighbors Alliance Staff Highlight: Lindsey Cupps

By Layla Joseph

Running a nonprofit is sometimes like putting together a puzzle. You know the picture you want to create and have the tools to do it, but connecting the pieces can be a challenge. 

Lindsey Cupps is DNA’s Business Development Coordinator, and since January 2022, she has been helping our organization see the big picture. 

“My role includes a bit of everything,” Cupps said. “It’s a mix of everything that needs done. If I can tackle it, I will tackle it.”

From working on the newsletter, tending to donors, graphic design, organizing finances and managing projects, Cupps has straightened all the edges and works hard to make DNA’s vision come to reality. 

Cupps earned a degree in Strategic Communication and Media with a concentration in advertising from Slippery Rock University. Initially, she was studying exercise science but wanted to pursue a career in something that would let her creativity shine. 

She said that her creativity and outgoing personality have helped her succeed and grow in her role. When Pittsburgh CDC rebranded to become Pittsburgh DNA, Cupps made the logo we use today. 

Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Cupps said she loves the city and has fond memories with her family. She enjoys being outside, whether she is riding her bike Downtown or on the water with friends; Cupps said she will always take advantage of every opportunity to venture outdoors.

Her favorite features of the Steel City are its environment, especially at night, when the skyscrapers display colors that light up the skyline, and the happenings and events hosted Downtown.

Cupps shares her love for Pittsburgh and gives back to the community with her work at DNA. 

"When people tune into our newsletter, they get to see all the events happening around them," she said. "We all come together to make sure that the businesses and residents we work with are getting what they need from us."

Cupps is motivated by putting puzzle pieces together daily, checking things off her to-do list, completing projects and accomplishing her goals. 

She said that when she joined the staff, she was nervous, but with a team behind her with a common goal, finishing the puzzle seems easier every day. 

“Working together just really is the best part,” she said.


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