Q&A with Alexandra Mayr-Gracik, CEO and Head Designer of Sabika Jewelry

1. How do you approach creating a design?

It’s important to me that the design comes from an authentic place. It has to marry form and function equally.

2. When thinking about the Sabika brand, how is that maintained across differing styles? How do you design for different people?

I like imagining different people in my designs while I develop them. As I choose colors and shapes, I think about what it will look like on different skin tones, hair colors, eye colors and styles.

3. What do you feel is the most important part of the design process?

Price point. I could design the most beautiful elaborate piece, but if my pricing is off, no one will purchase it. It is a matter of keeping the value balanced and affordable.

4. Explain how the person or people wearing the design influences your process?

I have a photographic memory and love observing street style around me. It is all about observing natural trends and how people live in your designs.

5. Can you explain how trends impact the styles you design?

Sabika has always prided itself on being trend aware but not trendy. Trends are important in terms of colors and materials, but it is always my goal to design pieces that transcend trends and are wearable for many seasons to come.

6. What do you think has given longevity to the Sabika brand for over 20 years?

Our mission. My mom Karin created such a strong foundation in her mission to be a company by women for everyone and to empower individuals to find beauty, joy and opportunity through our jewelry. Her story resonates as much today as it did then.

7. What’s it like being a longstanding local brand in Pittsburgh?

I love Pittsburgh. It has been an unexpected city to grow a fashion brand, but we have felt the love and support over the years and try to show our appreciation by giving back to the community wherever we can.

8. What new designs are you currently working on that you are most excited about?

I found some new and unexpected materials and components that we are working with in our upcoming collections, including Spring 2023. I cannot wait to share them with everyone!

9. What’s your advice for designers who are just getting started?

Start with what you have. I have always taken the approach to make lemonade out of lemons and use whatever materials I have access to. Limitations can actually be a fertile soil for even more creativity. And know that this is a big world, keep doing what you love, someone out there will love it too.


More About Sabika & Alexandra:

Alexandra trained in fashion design at the Fashion Institute of Vienna before returning to the United States to become the full-time Head Designer at Sabika Jewelry, founded in 2001 in Pittsburgh by her mother Karin Mayr. Sabika, headquartered in Robinson, is sold online and through independent consultants across the United States. Visit sabika-jewelry.com to learn more about their story.


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